Saturday, May 23, 2020
The And Its Effects On The Perception Of The External...
After washing away all prior beliefs of the external world about us, Descartes builds a system of doubt that forces readers to question if they truly â€Å"know†anything about the external world around us. His factors building this doubt include the possibility of madness, sensory deception, chance or the continuous chain of events leading to our present state, omnipotent beings, or the idea that we may be dreaming. Descartes claims that there is no way to indubitably â€Å"know†the truth of our external environment, however it is indubitable that there is an internal being or â€Å"self.†Whether it is based on a personal experience or someone else’s, one can agree that all of the factors given could result in skewed knowledge. Aristotle once said that, â€Å"our senses can be trusted but they can be easily fooled.†Because our senses can be so easily deceived, trustworthiness is perhaps not the best trait to award it with. The eyes and mind can always play tricks on you. One often comes by optical illusions in which one line looks longer than another when they are both the same size, or circles appear to be spinning when they are actually still, or numerous other kinds of these tests. Our eyes trick us constantly into believing things to be happening when they are not. For example, young kids claim to see monsters or ghosts in their rooms at night because their eyes and mind trick them into seeing these creatures. Once on a ghost-hunting TV show, one of the hosts addressed a commonShow MoreRelatedNursing Is A Calling, A Lifestyle, And A Passion. Becoming1713 Words  | 7 Pageshaving the desire to make a positive impact on the lives of patients, their families, co-workers, and the community; an innate, high degree of compassion for other human beings. Nursing is a desire to make a difference; the potential to have a profound effect on changing the world, one patient at a time. 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