Saturday, May 23, 2020
The And Its Effects On The Perception Of The External...
After washing away all prior beliefs of the external world about us, Descartes builds a system of doubt that forces readers to question if they truly â€Å"know†anything about the external world around us. His factors building this doubt include the possibility of madness, sensory deception, chance or the continuous chain of events leading to our present state, omnipotent beings, or the idea that we may be dreaming. Descartes claims that there is no way to indubitably â€Å"know†the truth of our external environment, however it is indubitable that there is an internal being or â€Å"self.†Whether it is based on a personal experience or someone else’s, one can agree that all of the factors given could result in skewed knowledge. Aristotle once said that, â€Å"our senses can be trusted but they can be easily fooled.†Because our senses can be so easily deceived, trustworthiness is perhaps not the best trait to award it with. The eyes and mind can always play tricks on you. One often comes by optical illusions in which one line looks longer than another when they are both the same size, or circles appear to be spinning when they are actually still, or numerous other kinds of these tests. Our eyes trick us constantly into believing things to be happening when they are not. For example, young kids claim to see monsters or ghosts in their rooms at night because their eyes and mind trick them into seeing these creatures. Once on a ghost-hunting TV show, one of the hosts addressed a commonShow MoreRelatedNursing Is A Calling, A Lifestyle, And A Passion. Becoming1713 Words  | 7 Pageshaving the desire to make a positive impact on the lives of patients, their families, co-workers, and the community; an innate, high degree of compassion for other human beings. Nursing is a desire to make a difference; the potential to have a profound effect on changing the world, one patient at a time. 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Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Learn What a Feature Story Is
Ask most people what a feature story is, and theyll say something soft and puffy, written for the arts or fashion section of a newspaper or website. But the truth is, features can be about any subject, from the fluffiest lifestyle piece to the toughest investigative report. And features arent just found in the back pages of the paperâ€â€the ones that focus on things like home dà ©cor and music reviews. In fact, features are found in every section of the paper, from news to business to sports. If you go through a typical newspaper from front to back on any given day, chances are, the majority of stories will be written in a feature-oriented style. The same is true on most news websites. So we know what features arentâ€â€but what are they? Feature stories arent defined so much by subject matter as they are by the style in which theyre written. In other words, anything written in a feature-oriented way is a feature story. These are the characteristics that distinguish feature stories from hard news: The Lede A feature lede doesnt have to have the who, what, where, when and why in the very first paragraph, the way a hard-news lede does. Instead, a feature lede can use description or an anecdote to set up the story. A feature lede can also run for several paragraphs instead of just one. Pace Feature stories often employ a more leisurely pace than news stories. Features take the time to tell a story, instead of rushing through it the way news stories often seem to do. Length Taking more time to tell a story means using more space, which is why features are usually, though not always, longer than hard news articles. A Focus on the Human Element If news stories tend to focus on events, then features tend to focus more on people. Features are designed to bring the human element into the picture, which is why many editors call features people stories. So, for example, if a hard news story recounts how a thousand people are being laid off from a local factory, the feature story might focus on just one of those workers, portraying their emotional turmoilâ€â€grief, anger, fearâ€â€at losing their job. Other Elements of Feature Articles Feature articles also include more of the elements that are used in traditional storytellingâ€â€description, scene-setting, quotes, and background information. Both fiction and non-fiction writers often say their aim is to help readers paint a visual portrait in their minds of whats happening in a story. Thats also the goal of feature writing. Whether its by describing a place or a person, setting a scene, or using colorful quotes, a good feature writer does anything he or she can in order to get readers engaged with the story. An Example: The Man Who Played Violin in the Subway To demonstrate what were talking about, take a look at the first few paragraphs of this April 8, 2007 feature by Washington Post writer Gene Weingarten about a world-class violinist who, as an experiment, played beautiful music in crowded subway stations. Note the expert use of the feature-oriented lede, the leisurely pace and length, and the focus on the human element. He emerged from the metro at the L’Enfant Plaza station and positioned himself against a wall beside a trash basket. By most measures, he was nondescript: a youngish white man in jeans, a long-sleeved T-shirt and a Washington Nationals baseball cap. From a small case, he removed a violin. Placing the open case at his feet, he shrewdly threw in a few dollars and pocket change as seed money, swiveled it to face pedestrian traffic, and began to play. It was 7:51 a.m. on Friday, January 12, the middle of the morning rush hour. In the next 43 minutes, as the violinist performed six classical pieces, 1,097 people passed by. Almost all of them were on the way to work, which meant, for almost all of them, a government job. L’Enfant Plaza is at the nucleus of federal Washington, and these were mostly mid-level bureaucrats with those indeterminate, oddly fungible titles: policy analyst, project manager, budget officer, specialist, facilitator, consultant. Each passerby had a quick choice to make, one familiar to commuters in any urban area where the occasional street performer is part of the cityscape: Do you stop and listen? Do you hurry past with a blend of guilt and irritation, aware of your cupidity but annoyed by the unbidden demand on your time and your wallet? Do you throw in a buck, just to be polite? Does your decision change if he’s really bad? What if he’s really good? Do you have time for beauty? Shouldn’t you? What’s the moral mathematics of the moment? From Gene Weingartens Pearls Before Breakfast: Can one of the nation’s great musicians cut through the fog of a D.C. rush hour? Let’s find out.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Youth and Its Power for India Free Essays
India,now aged at 65 is in my view one of the largest reservoir of Youth population. Generally defined in the age group of 16-30 years constitute of more than 40% of India’s population which is indeed a large force. We are energetic, enthusiastic and always full of zeal to do the impossible. We will write a custom essay sample on Youth and Its Power for India or any similar topic only for you Order Now If we exclude the youth, the rest of the population of India will comprises of old people and children. They cannot be called the real manpower of the nation. So it is evident that if the youth of the country are not enthused to devote their energies to the task of national reconstruction,the whole Youth Power for India is wasted,or the other way why we youth should wait for someone to enthuse us to show the Youth Power of India. This is our land,our country and it totally depends on us(Indian Youths) how we take our country forward. But having such a massive youth population in India will not do any good if our youth population is not shown the right path. Most of the youth in India are generally without any direction,If we can harness this powerhouse of the nation in the right direction then the country can reach untold heights. Being said that we should not completely depend on our Government to harness this powerhouse,contribution of all sides is required for this. The best and the first and foremost way to strengthen our youth are to provide them Education. Education plays a vital role for this,we should be able to educate all our youth from the initial stages of their life,We should be able to make them understand the importance of Education. Not just any kind of Education, but the right kind of Education which makes them scientific, logical, open-minded, self-respecting, responsible, honest and patriotic. Without these virtues being developed, our youth cannot walk in the desired way and they will stay in a deep slumber of complacency. Even education to some extent will not help as we see many educated young population working overseas,The question is why can’t they do it here,the nswer lies in lack of opportunities which is in plenty in other countires. Why our country is unable to offer such opportunities to us? Its because the Government have not taken any initiative or we the youth have not taken any steps to make government realise the power of youth. Have we forgotten that today India is Independent because of the youth power in our freedom struggle,we owe Independent India to the youth power of our past and to make it better for our future generation we must rise once again together. Youth of India must be able to come up with new ideas of Entrepreneurship which is very vital for the country’s growth. For a youth educated in India he/she must think about the development in India which now have utmost important for our country’s development. Let us focus on constructively using the power of the youth for the betterment of the nation. Let us frame such policies which aim at empowering our youth so that we can be assured of a better future and a brighter tomorrow. How to cite Youth and Its Power for India, Papers
Saturday, May 2, 2020
Planning and Environmental Regulation
Question: Discuss about thePlanning and Environmental Regulation. Answer: Environmental Planning Instruments State Environmental Planning Policies (SEPPs) along with Local Environmental Plans (LEPs) together are termed as Environmental Planning Instruments (EPIs). SEPPs and LEPs include policies implemented by state or regional authorities for economic development through industrialization, increment of productivity, providing infrastructures such as highways, affordable housing and parks. It also constitutes creation of jobs through business development, workforce development and real estate development. Management of natural resources as well as land use is also governed by these policies. One need to know EPIs as they specify the development consent required development types and promotes prohibition of certain developments. For developing land in Sydney, EPIs are important as they declare category of development that is going to be taken providing an environmental statement of impact ( 2017). Being a land developer if you need develop any building, warehouse or units on a block, you have to check initially if it is permissible under relevant EPI standard. You need to obtain a section 149 certificate from your local council in which the development is going to take place or consult with councilors and staffs besides reading business papers from council meetings and check whether the local environmental plan prohibits construction of that building or warehouse under prohibited development. Therefore, a site can be under more than one EPI and hence needs to be found by the developer for obtaining certificates highlighting details of the applicable EPIs. Such planning certificates of section 149 certificates costs around AU$53 and are usually included in contracts for obtaining finance, contracts for sale and to show prospective purchaser regarding potentials of their land usage. Environmental Planning and Assessment Act Assessment of development according to certain criteria that has been laid out by Environmental Planning and Assessment Act. Such criteria are mentioned in part 6 Implementation and enforcement, division 2A orders which specifies 121F development applications are checked for completeness ensuring all relevant information are provided into the application. Basic criteria for the land development application assessment includes establishment of land definition that has been used for proposing the possible list of uses included in scheme of planning. The zone for the site development needs to be established through citing the maps of planning schemes. It is also checked regarding application of overlays for the development site through looking at schemes of plans for maps. Category of development is established through planning schemes, development tables and public notifications as applicable. The development site are inspected and compared against land use controls and schemes of plan ning applied to the use of site development. All these criteria if met by the development application will be assessed accordingly as per Environmental Planning and Assessment Act. Failing to meet one of the criteria will result to rejection of application automatically ( 2017). Exempt or Complying Council might not assess development application because it might be exempt or complying, that means the minor renovations of buildings or works does not require building approval or planning. These developments have a very low development impact and are usually done for commercial, residential and industrial properties. Exempt development refers to the minor developments that can be executed without development application that has a low impact works, which does not require complete assessment of merit by the councils and is possible to be executed rapidly with minimum cost. Few of the examples of exempt development include garden sheds, carports, deck, fences, painting of house and window repair ( 2017). Complying development refers to the combination of construction and planning combined approval of development in a straightforward manner that is usually determined using fast track assessment methods by private certifiers or councils involves alterations and additions to house, constructing a new dwelling house, demolition of buildings, new industrial buildings and changes of business use ( 2017). Complying and exempt development codes apply to states and do not apply to lands, which is under the application of State Environmental Planning Policy (Kosciuszko National Park- Alpine Resorts) and under the policy of State Environmental Policy (Western Sydney Parklands). The complying and exempt policy also does not apply to land, which is lesser than approximately 18 kilometers from Siding Spring Observatory. State environmental Planning Policy (Exempt and complying development Codes) 2008 does not apply for the purpose of development of the demolition or alteration of a building to which policy of Part 3 of State Environmental Planning Policy (Affordable Rental Housing) apply. Further, for the current purpose, Part 3 is only to be constructed if reference of any sort is related to time relating to the development application lodging was applicable to the time of commencement of development. Greater Sydney Commission Greater Sydney commission is responsible for planning metropolitan with a partnership between local and state government. Greater Sydney commission works in a close proximity with communities and councils locally helping the community to get maximum potential from suburban and neighborhood. The main objectives of greater Sydney commission is promotion of social, environmental and economic considerations contained in protection of the environmental act 1991 and promote alignment of infrastructure by Government that includes decision-making with planning of land use. It also promotes housing supply and includes affordable housing encouraging development resilient and accounting to natural hazards. Greater Sydney Commission also supports improvement of livability, productivity and environmental quality as well as provides increases opportunity for involvement of public and environmental participation planning as well as assessment in the region of Greater Sydney Region (Planningportal.n 2017). Privacy of Property Complying development involves larger building works, which is bigger than exempt development. Although the development is for the private property and involves land of the individual however, it involves construction of new houses, change of business infrastructure, demolition and alteration of houses. It involves assessment from councils to ensure protection of surroundings during construction periods and life of the complying development. Demolition of buildings involve either destruction with explosives or workers destroying the building by force which if not assessed by certified expert or council might cause harm and environmental degeneration. Further construction of new houses and new industrial structures involves checking for the environmental impacts it is going to have which requires governmental certification and assessment. References, 2017. Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 No 203, [online] Available at: [Accessed 18 Apr. 2017], 2017. Planning and Environment, [online] Available at: [Accessed 18 Apr. 2017]
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