Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Nationalism in Europe in the 19th century Essay - 875 Words
Nationalism is way of thinking both political and socially to create a community united by: history, ethnicity, religions, common culture, and language. Numerous effects occurred while establishing a Nationalist community, some effects were a long term impact on Nationalism, and other was short term impacts on Nationalism. Bloody Sunday was a big impact of Nationalism, what started out as a peaceful march of Petersburg workers marching to the Winter Palace led by Father Gapon turned out to be a nightmare. The marchers wanted to establish an eight hour work day, establish minimum wage, and assemble a constitution, while the marchers marched they was fired upon by Russian troops and several hundred marchers was killed. People believed that†¦show more content†¦Piedmonts Victor Emmanuel was declared the kingdom of Italy and unification was completed at the end of the Franco-Prussian War in 1871. A long term impact of Nationalism was an essay from Giuseppe Mazzini â€Å"On the Duties of Man†, it was written for the workers residing in England. Mazzini preaches toward humanity, and believes that if you are not ready to violate your law of life then you are not ready to become a whole human family. The biggest impact the Nationalism was the redrawing of the map of Europe. Mazzini’s believed that Europe was jealous of righteous powers of others and greed took over. There was much conflict and fighting to settle the new territories of Europe. The reason that the redrawing of the map of Europe was such a big impact on Nationalism is because the boundaries of Europe still hold true today. Mazzini was a leader of the Roman Republic was failed, and began to look for leadership some else besides Italy. Another long term impact of Nationalism was the Frankfurt Constitution, this was a long and detailed document, and it entailed the boundaries of Germany and its enforceme nt of its provisions, and was written for all of Germany, which was mostly consisted of Liberals. Examples of the Frankfurt Constitution are: All Germans are treated equal before the law, all special class privileges are abolished, no citizen shall accept a decoration from a foreign state, and Public office shall be open to all men on the basisShow MoreRelatedFour Definitions of Nationalism Essay1732 Words  | 7 PagesNationalism was a debatable issue in 19th century. It had developed differently in Western Europe and Eastern, Central Europe. Western Europe was identified with Civic Nationalism, and nationalism was also seen as an imperialist and economic movement. 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Using Implicit And Explicit Self Esteem - 1869 Words
First Article Problem: The problem the authors are addressing is the reason correlations of implicit and explicit self-esteem is lower in Chinese culture versus western culture (Yu, Chen, Zhang, and Jin, 2015). The authors suggested the problem has not been clearly defined and researched and this was their motivation in researching this topic. They wanted a clearer understanding as to why implicit and explicit self-esteem is lower in Chinese cultures versus western cultures. The authors were successful in articulating the problem with the gap in the literature. The authors defined and discussed in detail collectivists and individualists (Yu et. Al., 2015), and how it plays a role in self-esteem. The authors suggested people with a more individualistic background obtain a larger amount of self-awareness than people with a collectivism background (Yu et. Al., 2015). This is due to the fact that collectivism focuses on the outside world, whereas individualism focuses on one’s self. In the article a hy pothesis was clearly defined. The authors defined their hypothesis as the following, â€Å"†¦we hypothesize that individualism would moderate the relationship between implicit self-esteem and explicit self-esteem, but collectivism would not†, as stated by Yu, Chen, Zhang, and Jin, 2015. Methodology: The authors used 100 participants from undergraduate studies from three different colleges, in medium sized cities, in central China (Yu et. Al., 2015) There were a total of 41 men andShow MoreRelatedThe Facebook Effect: Research Study621 Words  | 2 PagesFacebook page. Materials Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale. The Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (Rosenberg, 1965) was used to determine a baseline measure of explicit self-esteem. This scale contains ten items that measure global self-worth using a 4-point Likert scale. 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Sunday, December 8, 2019
Love Me by Justin Bieber free essay sample
The hit teen sensation, Justin Bieber is over-rated. He is a fifteen-year-old boy singing about loving and doing girls. In the song â€Å"Love Me†, Bieber sings, â€Å"Love me, Love me, say that you love me. Fool me, fool me. Oh how you do me.†I think that this is inappropriate for such a young boy to be singing about this. It sends the wrong message to young teenage boys and girls, who are beginning to learn and explore a new part in their lives. The songs that he sings send the message that all girls need to do to have a boy love them is to have physical relations with them And to boys, it sends the message that the only way to tell girls that they love them, is to also have physical relations. To me, this is wrong. His audience’s age group is between eleven and seventeen. Young adults in this age group should know that just because the stars are singing about loving girls or guys, does not mean that they have to do the same things that the artists are singing about. We will write a custom essay sample on Love Me by Justin Bieber or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page But it is true, that if Bieber did not sing about this stuff, it would not sell. People like amd live for songs about love. Justin Bieber is a good singer, I give him credit for that, but I think he should consider singing about different things that are more appropriate to his age group.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Joan Of Arc Was Born On January 6, 1412, In The Village Of Domremy In
Joan of Arc was born on January 6, 1412, in the village of Domremy in north-eastern France. Her father Jacques was a peasant farmer and a minor village official. Her mother Isabelle, raised her daughter in the teachings of the Christian faith. Joan was more religious than most of the girls in her village. At the age of thirteen or fourteen Joan began to hear voices and to have visions. She claimed the voices and visions were of Saint Michael, Saint Margaret, and Saint Catherine. These voices told Joan to free the city of Orleans from the English who were overtaking it. The voices also told her to take the dauphin to Reims where he would be crowned king of France. Complete with a mountain escort by Robert de Baudncourt, captain of the nearby town, Joan proceeded across France in February 1429 to the castle of Chinon in the Loore Valley where the dauphin then resided. With doubts in his mind, Charles had her examined at Poitiers by a group of distinguished clergy and theologians who assured him of the orthodoxy of her religious beliefs. Charles then assigned a squire, a page, heralds, and a confessor and sent her on her off with a small force to Orleans, where she joined the army resisting the English siege. There, in the first week of May 1429, Joan led a series of successful battles against the English and so defeated them that they raised the siege and departed on May 8. The news of the victory spread quickly across France and gave a new spirit of hope to the people. The next step in Joan's plan called for the coronation of the dauphin at Reims. She believed that this would invest Charles with his rightful authority and restore to the French people a sense of national togetherness. The dauphin was to only surviving son of the late King Charles VI, and had been disinherited in the Anglo-French Treaty of Troyes in 1420. The road to Reims was obstructed by several English occupied towns. The French armies recovered in no time. When the way to Reims was cleared, the dauphin was crowned in the cathedral Charles VII on July 17, 1429, with Joan in attendance. After the crowing a large number of French towns returned in the king's support At this point, Charles succumbed to the advice of in councilors, who believed that diplomatic negotiations with the Duke of Burgundy, England's ally, would be more effective than continued fighting. Joan and the military leaders wanted to press their advantage and move on to take Paris. Reluctantly, Charles accompanied them and in September the French army was encamped on the north side of Paris, which had been occupied by the English for ten years. But Joan's attempt to storm the walls of the city failed. Charles then disbanded them. This was a recurrent feature of Charles' behavior. He displayed it notably after Joan's capture when he made no attempt to communicate with her capture or negotiate for her ransom. In April 1430. After six months of inactivity, Joan slipped away from the king and with a small band of soldiers proceeded around Paris to Compiegne, which was under siege by the Burgundais. She was captured there on May 23 and imprisoned. The English wanted possession of Joan for she had become an impediment to their conquest of France. Pierre Cauchon, bishop of Beauvais and a strong supported of the English, negotiated with the Burundians for her purchase. Cauchon had been driven from Burgundy to deliver Joan to the Inquisiter of France so that she might be tried for her so-called ?crimes?, including heresy. In November 1430 the Burbundians delivered Joan to the English for sixteen thousand francs, and she was tasked to Bouer where her trial lasted from January to May 1431. Although witchcraft was one of the original charges against Joan, her trial was for heresy, and was conducted under procedures on the Inquistior, but with several irregularities. The Inquisitors representative was rarely present, and Cauchon, who failed to provide Joan with a layer, was left as presiding judge. As the trial went on, the main issue changed to Joan's refusal to submit to the authority of the
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Prefect essays
Prefect essays I am writing to apply to become a senior prefect, as I believe I would be an ideal representative of the school and a good role model to those younger than me. I recently proved myself to be a good leader in the Careers in Construction challenge, when I took charge of my group, which then went on to win one of the prizes. I would work well with other prefects, as I have always been a keen team worker. I was a regular member of the schools rugby team and I also play in the school wind band as well as the Peterborough County Youth Orchestra. I was part of the John Lewis group in the Industry Challenge Competition as well. John Lewis were so pleased with our performance, they sent a letter to the school to say so. On top of all that, I one of the students taking part in the Engineering Education Scheme. All of these things also show my commitment to extra-curricular activities. I am a hard worker, and proved this by achieving good grades in my GCSE exams, and The school needs to promote the importance of extra-curricular activities, as they can prove to be a valuable asset to those looking to prove themselves as committed workers after leaving school. A good idea would be to give each pupil a compulsory activity, maybe temporarily, that also compliments their schoolwork. A similar idea proved successful in the Industry Challenge Competition. Please consider my application, as I believe I fulfil all the criteria for a good senior prefect. My referee is Mr. Wears. ...
Friday, November 22, 2019
The Heinkel He 111 or the Luftwaffe Bomber
The Heinkel He 111 or the Luftwaffe Bomber With its defeat in World War I, the leaders of Germany signed the Treaty of Versailles which formally ended the conflict. Though a far-reaching agreement, one section of the treaty specifically forbade Germany from constructing and operating an air force. Due to this restriction, when Germany commenced rearmament in the early 1930s, aircraft development occurred in secrecy or proceeded under the guise of civilian use. Around this time, Ernst Heinkel commenced an initiative to design and build a high-speed passenger plane. To design this aircraft, he hired Siegfried and Walter Gà ¼nter. The result of the Gà ¼nters efforts was the Heinkel He 70 Blitz which began production in 1932. A successful aircraft, the He 70 featured an elliptical inverted gull wing and a BMW VI engine. Impressed with the He 70, the Luftfahrtkommissariat, which sought a new transport aircraft that could be converted to a bomber in wartime, contacted Heinkel. Responding to this inquiry, Heinkel began work to enlarge the aircraft to meet the requested specifications and to compete with new twin-engine aircraft such as the Dornier Do 17. Preserving the key features of the He 70, including the wing shape and BMW engines, the new design became known as the Doppel-Blitz (Double Blitz). Work on the prototype pushed forward and it first took to the skies on February 24, 1935, with Gerhard Nitschke at the controls. Competing with the Junkers Ju 86, the new Heinkel He 111 compared favorably and a government contract was issued. Design Variants Early variants of the He 111 utilized a traditional stepped cockpit with separate windscreens for the pilot and copilot. Military variants of the aircraft, which began production in 1936, saw the inclusion of dorsal and ventral gun positions, a bomb bay for 1,500 lbs. of bombs, and a longer fuselage. The addition of this equipment adversely affected the He 111s performance as the BMW VI engines did not produce sufficient power to offset the additional weight. As a result, the He 111B was developed in the summer of 1936. This upgrade saw more powerful DB 600C engines with variable pitch airscrews installed as well as additions to the aircrafts defensive armament. Pleased with the improved performance, the Luftwaffe ordered 300 He 111Bs and deliveries commenced in January 1937. Subsequent improvements produced the D-, E-, and F-variants. One of the most notable changes during this period was the elimination of the elliptical wing in favor of a more-easily produced one featuring straight leading and trailing edges. The He 111J variant saw the aircraft tested as a torpedo bomber for the Kriegsmarine though the concept was later dropped. The most visible change to the type came in early 1938 with the introduction of the He 111P. This saw the entire forward part of the aircraft altered as the stepped cockpit was removed in favor of a bullet-shaped, glazed nose. In addition, improvements were made to the power plants, armament, and other equipment. In 1939, the H-variant entered production. The most widely produced of any He 111 model, the H-variant began entering service on the eve of World War II. Possessing a heavier bomb load and greater defensive armament than its predecessors, the He 111H also included enhanced armor and more powerful engines. The H-variant remained in production into 1944 as the Luftwaffes follow-on bomber projects, such as the He 177 and Bomber B, failed to yield an acceptable or reliable design. In 1941, a final, mutated variant of the He 111 commenced testing. The He 111Z Zwilling saw the merging of two He 111s into one large, twin-fuselage aircraft powered by five engines. Intended as a glider tug and transport, the He 111Z was produced in limited numbers. Operational History In February 1937, a group of four He 111Bs arrived in Spain for service in the German Condor Legion. Ostensibly a German volunteer unit supporting Francisco Francos Nationalist forces, it served as a training ground for Luftwaffe pilots and for evaluating new aircraft. Making their combat debut on March 9, the He 111s attacked Republican airfields during the Battle of Guadalajara. Proving more effective than the Ju 86 and the Do 17, the type soon appeared in larger numbers over Spain. Experience with the He 111 in this conflict allowed designers at Heinkel to further refine and improve the aircraft. With the beginning of World War II on September 1, 1939, He 111s formed the backbone of the Luftwaffes bombing assault on Poland. Though performing well, the campaign against the Poles revealed that the aircrafts defensive armament required enhancement. In the early months of 1940, He 111s conducted raids against British shipping and naval targets in the North Sea before supporting the invasions of Denmark and Norway. On May 10, Luftwaffe He 111s aided ground forces as they opened the campaign in the Low Countries and France. Taking part in the Rotterdam Blitz four days later, the type continued to strike both strategic and tactical targets as the Allies retreated. At the end of the month, He 111s mounted raids against the British as they conducted the Dunkirk Evacuation. With the fall of France, the Luftwaffe began preparing for the Battle of Britain. Concentrating along the English Channel, He 111 units were joined by those flying the Do 17 and Junkers Ju 88. Commencing in July, the assault on Britain saw the He 111 encounter fierce resistance from Royal Air Force Hawker Hurricanes and Supermarine Spitfires. The early phases of the battle showed a need for the bomber to have a fighter escort and revealed a vulnerability to head-on attacks due to the He 111s glazed nose. In addition, repeated engagements with British fighters showed that the defensive armament was still inadequate. In September, the Luftwaffe switched to targeting British cities. Though not designed as a strategic bomber, the He 111 proved capable in this role. Fitted with Knickebein and other electronic aids, the type was able to bomb blind and maintained pressure on the British through the winter and spring of 1941. Elsewhere, the He 111 saw action during the campaigns in the Balkans and the invasion of Crete. Other units were sent to North Africa to support the operations of the Italians and the German Afrika Korps. With the German invasion of the Soviet Union in June 1941, He 111 units on the Eastern Front were initially asked to provide tactical support for the Wehrmacht. This expanded to striking the Soviet rail network and then to strategic bombing. Later Operations Though offensive action formed the core of the He 111s role on the Eastern Front, it also was pressed into duty on several occasions as a transport. It earned distinction in this role during by evacuating wounded from the Demyansk Pocket and later in re-supplying German forces during the Battle of Stalingrad. By the spring of 1943, overall He 111 operational numbers began to decline as other types, such as the Ju 88, assumed more of the load. In addition, increasing Allied air superiority hampered offensive bombing operations. During the wars later years, the He 111 continued to mount raids against Soviet shipping in the Black Sea with the assistance of FuG 200 Hohentwiel anti-shipping radar. In the west, He 111s were tasked with delivering V-1 flying bombs to Britain in late 1944. With the Axis position collapsing late in the war, He 111s supported numerous evacuations as German forces withdrew. The He 111s final missions of the war came as German forces attempted to halt the Soviet drive on Berlin in 1945. With the surrender of Germany in May, the He 111s service life with the Luftwaffe came to an end. The type continued to be used by Spain until 1958. Additional license-built aircraft, constructed in Spain as the CASA 2.111, remained in service until 1973. Heinkel He 111 H-6 Specifications General Length: 53 ft., 9.5 in.Wingspan: 74 ft., 2 in.Height: 13 ft., 1.5 in.Wing Area: 942.92 sq. ft.Empty Weight: 19,136 lbs.Loaded Weight: 26,500 lbs.Maximum Takeoff Weight: 30,864 lbs.Crew: 5 Performance Maximum Speed: 273 mphRange: 1,429 milesRate of Climb: 850 ft./min.Service Ceiling: 21,330 ft.Power Plant: 2 Ãâ€" Jumo 211F-1 or 211F-2 liquid-cooled inverted V-12 Armament 7 Ãâ€" 7.92 mm MG 15 or MG 81 machine guns, (2 in the nose, 1 in the dorsal, 2 on the side, 2 ventral. These may have been replaced by 1 Ãâ€" 20 mm MG FF cannon (nose mount or forward ventral position) or 1 Ãâ€" 13 mm MG 131 machine gun (mounted dorsal and/or ventral rear positions)Bombs: 4,400 lb. in internal bomb bay
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Renaissance Art Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Renaissance Art - Essay Example He had a lot of interest in science and produced pieces of unprecedented work during his time. He sold a lyre that he had fashioned to Lorenzo de Medici that was in the shape of the skull of a horse. It was supposed to be sent to Ludovico Sforza of Milan (Worldly Goods 564). Instead of giving the piece of artwork to Lorenzo de Medici to deliver it, he decided to do it by himself. He was then persuaded to remain in Milan by his host and this is where he painted the famous mural The last Supper on the wall of the monastery. (Painting of the last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci) His work of Raphael was preferred by Pope Leo X and earned him the position of court painter in France. His greatest piece of work was the painting of the Mona Lisa, which remains outstanding up to date. Michaelangelo Buonarroti at the age of 23 carved the pieta which brought him to fame instantly. This was first followed by his sculptor of King David that was equally a success. This made him become the symbol of al l the prospering artists in Florence. His ceiling paintings also remain to be one of the greatest undertakings of all time. Raphael was the leading painter of the renaissance period and is credited with painting The school of Athens that depicted an imaginary meeting of all the famous philosophers. This piece of work earned him the chance to paint for papal commissions which he did for the rest of his life (Guido 360). The last of the greatest artists of the renaissance period is Titian who distinguished himself from the other artists through the use of new techniques that imbued the bright colors with greater depth and subtlety. Conclusion The artists of the high renaissance period picked their commissions and didn’t have to wander from... The major characteristic of the artists in this period is that they searched for human emotion and realism in art through the use of the human method.The artists of the early renaissance period aimed at portraying human forms that appeared as if they had life in order to keep up with the spirit of humanism. They had realistic expressions and clothing that were proportional to the human beings. New techniques were developed by these artists to give the paintings a more three dimensional appearance. In order for them to achieve this, they had to study human and animal anatomy to come up with a more realistic presentation. The artists of the high renaissance period picked their commissions and didn’t have to wander from one city to the other in search of commissions like their predecessors. Their work was more refined and was highly demanded thus earning them many contracts. They changed the order of things as they shifted away from the traditional art and came up with their own philosophy on how things should be done. Their paintings still remain significant up to date owing to their unique nature and stylistic devices employed. They gave art a whole different humanistic approach that completely changed the manner in which artists carried out their business.
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
American History - Utopian Movements Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
American History - Utopian Movements - Essay Example Several religious and secular Utopian communities arrived in America. Some of the communities include Shakers, Rappites, Oneida community and Brook Farm. According to utopian ideas, a perfect society would have communism. Some of the utopian communities include Mormons; it was established by Joseph Smith in 1830 (Halloway, 1961). Smith advanced the idea of polygamy as part of utopian society. The followers were later prosecuted and murdered. Another Utopian community was Oneida community that was located in New York. The community practiced communism and complex marriages. Every man and woman was free to have sex and accept criticism except Noyes. The society disintegrated when Noyes tried to pass leadership (Halloway, 1961). Another movement was the Shakers that settled in America in 1774. The emphasis was on vegetarianism thus they lived on by farming. The Shakers established eight colonies. They believed in communal ownership of property and religious confession of sins (Halloway, 1961). Members had to adopt children and homes were gender segregated consisting about ten individuals. The Shakers emphasized on celibacy thus the community ended since new members were not coming forth. The Shakers were later associated with most of reform movements like pacifism and abolitionist movements of 19th century. Another group was the New Harmony that was located in Indiana. The community believed in progressive education and community lifestyle. They advanced women equality but the society disintegrated later due to lack of strong central beliefs (Halloway, 1961). Another movement was the Fruitlands that lasted only for six months. It was founded in 1843 by Bronson Alcott. It followed a British reformist model since it forbade free ownership of property. It emphasized on free love and vegetarianism (Halloway, 1961). Children were not supposed to eat meat or use animal products like honey and wool. The movement also prohibited the use of animals for labor. In the farms, the community planted only the crops that grew out of soil so as not to disturb the living organisms under the soil like worms. Most of the members later felt manual labor as inhibiting. Malnourishment due to strict diet of grains made many members to leave. The movement later collapsed in 1844 (Halloway, 1961). Brook Farm was another utopian community based in Massachusetts in 1841, the community strongly advocated for women rights, abolition of slavery and labor rights. The community was based on a 200-acre farm with only four buildings. The community provided free education and residents had to complete 300 days of labor by farming, doing domestic chores and preparing recreational facilities. However, Ripley joined Fourierism movement thus youths had to do the dirty jobs like repairing roads and slaughtering animals. Most of the youths deserted. The community was also infected with smallpox and fire and later collapsed in 1847. Another utopian movement was Pullman’s capit alist utopia. It was founded in 1880s in the town of Pullman by George Pullman. According to Pullman, capitalist was essential in achieving both spiritual and material needs of the community. The employees would receive two paychecks, one for rent and the other for all material needs. There were rigid social classes since experienced employees and managers would live in tenements. Employee grievances and agitation for better pay increased forcing
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Human genome online assignment Essay Example for Free
Human genome online assignment Essay 1) If genetic manipulation does become a reality, I think allowing non-disease characteristics to be altered would have serious ethical and social implications. Screening for diseases and treating or eradicating them totally would be a huge benefit to mankind, but to use genetic technology to produce â€Å"designer babies†will most likely lead to a social divide similar to that portrayed in the movie â€Å"Gattaca†(De Vito and Niccol, 1997). Such technology would most likely be expensive and only those who can afford it will benefit and gain undue advantage over those not fortunate enough to have the financial means to avail of the technology, leading to a social system where you have the genetically-enhanced superior class and the â€Å"inferior†citizens conceived the natural way. 2) I don’t think life insurance companies should have access to a person’s genetic information. As it is, I believe insurance policies already hold a lot of stipulations that policy holders more often than not, end up receiving the short end of the bargain. If insurance companies find out that a person has a predisposition to a disease, they could easily refuse to provide that person with insurance and that I think, would be unfair since they would be depriving that person of his need to secure financial aid in case he does get sick. In the interest of fairly sharing risks though, insurance companies may be allowed limited access to genetic information. Limited, because I believe the welfare of policy holders should still be of topmost priority and any form of discrimination against individuals should not be allowed. 3) Yes, I believe that the information from the Human Genome Project (HGP) will bring tremendous benefits to a lot of people in the next 20 years. Technology develops at a very fast pace and it is not impossible that Collins’ predictions may very well come true. Already, the underlying genetic problems responsible for certain diseases have already been identified and with the genetic map from the HGP, the causes of a lot of other afflictions will be identified and from there, therapies can and will be developed. Even though custom-made therapies will most likely be more difficult to develop and perfect, the identification of disease genes will still greatly benefit the general population (Nova Online, 2001). 4) I think we are not that prepared for the implications that will result from the applications of these information. Right now, our society is already struggling with various other ethical issues in other biotechnological fields like stem cell research and it would be too naive to ignore the present and potential issues that may arise due to the far-reaching consequences of the HGP. 5) I don’t think employers should have access to an individual’s genetic information since there is the danger that a person may be discriminated on the basis of his genetic profile. As of present, I think discrimination may be viewed as singling out an individual for what he is (e. g. his race, gender, etc. ), but to discriminate someone based on his genetic profile would also mean discriminating him for what he could be. A person can be at risk for a certain disease but that’s just it – it’s a probability, not a guarantee. Besides, it would also mean discounting a person’s capabilities in spite of whatever genetic condition he may have. There have been countless stories of people overcoming their disabilities so there is no reason that one should be discriminated or favored based on his genetic makeup. 6) I don’t think it is that surprising, especially if I consider that like me, these lower organisms are alive, so it’s really just logical that we do share something in common. Considering though how much more complex we seem to be compared to these organisms, then yes, it is surprising that we don’t seem to be that genetically different from them. 7) I believe that testing of unborn children should be confined to deleterious genes, i. e. those that have serious and possibly life-threatening consequences such as that with diseases. I believe it’s a matter of putting things in perspective. Traits and disabilities like homosexuality or color blindness may be undesirable but they really seem trivial compared to serious afflictions that may mean life or death for the child. 8) If it’s a curable or preventable disease, then I would probably be in favor of being tested so that I can take the necessary steps to prevent or prepare myself in case I do get sick. However, I can’t say that decision would be as simple in the case of non-treatable diseases, because as with the woman who tested positive for a BRCA mutation (Nova Online, 2001), knowing that I am at risk for a disease that has no cure will probably mean that I will be living my life everyday with a sword hanging over my head and it would be very hard to live life that way. 9) Yes, I would want my mate and I to be tested if we were carriers for a disease prior to having children. I wouldn’t want to take the risk of bearing a child only to have him/her suffer from the disease that we carry when we could’ve spared him/her from that difficult life. I believe that I owe it to my future child to have myself and my partner tested. 10) I don’t think genes or genomic material should be patented because as Lander has observed, apprehensions over whether a particular gene or part of the genome has already been patented has become a limiting factor in that drug companies usually wouldn’t want to take the risk of working on treatments that might already be protected by a patent (Nova Online, 2001). I believe that there are several ways that scientists can approach a disease and develop a treatment for it, so why patent genes or genomic material? Why not just let everybody have access to such information so that not only one drug company can work at a specific disease but rather several, so that there’s a better chance that one of them will be able to develop a treatment which they would then have all the right to patent? Let’s take for example the case of cystic fibrosis. The gene responsible for this disease was discovered way back in 1989 and yet no cure has been discovered up to now (Nova Online, 2001). It only goes to show that identifying the gene responsible for the disease does not automatically mean that the cure would also be discovered consequently, so why allow the burden of further limitations brought on by patents? References: De Vito, D. (Producer), Niccol, A. (Director). (1997). Gattaca [Motion Picture]. USA: Sony Pictures. NOVA Online. (2001). Cracking the code of life. Retrieved May 30, 2007, from http://www. pbs. org/wgbh/nova/genome/program. html.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
John Fitzgerald Kennedy Essay -- essays research papers fc
John Fitzgerald Kennedy John F. Kennedy ( JFK ) was known throughout the world for his heroic deeds. He has helped many Americans many different ways from saving a mans life and keeping him from drowning, to helping African Americans. He had come from a very political family, and knowing that he felt that he had to carry on the tradition of that after his brother Joe had past away. John Fitzgerald Kennedy was born in Brookline, Massachusetts on May 29, 1917, the second oldest in a family of nine children. Although their families had not come to the United States with much money, both of John Kennedy's grandfathers became political leaders in Boston. One of them, John Fitzgerald (for whom he was named), was elected mayor in 1905. John Kennedy's father, Joseph Patrick Kennedy became a very wealthy businessman, an adviser to President Franklin D. Roosevelt, and the United States Ambassador to Great Britain from 1938 to 1940. John Kennedy (his family called him "Jack") moved to New York when he was ten years old. Since the family spent the summer months at their home in Hyannis, Cape Cod, Jack still lived a good part of his life in Massachusetts. As a boy and a young man, he traveled to other parts of the United States and to other countries. After graduating from the Choate School in Connecticut in 1935, he went on to Harvard College and graduated in 1940. That same year he wrote a best-selling book, Why England Slept, about some of the decisions which led to World War II. Kennedy described himself as â€Å" an idealist without illusion â€Å". He considered his best quality to be curiosity, and he worst irritability. Kennedy’s charm, grace, and wit were to a great extent responsible for his immense popularity as president. He remained a bit detached from things in order to counter his extremely sensitive side, for the most part he controlled his temper. Kennedy met his future wife at a dinner party in Washington, D.C. Jacqueline Lee Bouvier was the daughter of a wealthy Wall Street broker, John V. Bouvier III. She had attended Vassar College and the Sorbonne in Paris. When she met Kennedy, she was a student at George Washington University in Washington. Later, she worked as an... ...uals, like the African Americans. He treated people equally, no matter who they were or what color there skin was. As the years have gone by and other Presidents have written their chapters in history, John Kennedy's brief time in office stands out in people's memories--for his leadership, personality, and accomplishments. Many respect his coolness when faced with difficult decisions--like what to do about the missiles in Cuba. Others admire his ability to inspire people with his eloquent speeches. Still others think his compassion and his willingness to fight for new government programs to help the poor, the elderly and the ill were most important. Like all leaders, John Kennedy made mistakes, but he was always optimistic about the future. He believed that people could solve their common problems if they put their country's interests first and worked together. Bibliography Michael D. Cole John Kennedy President of New Frontier Springfield, 1996 Andrew Langley John F. Kennedy New York, 1985 Zachary Kent Encyclopedia of Presidents John F. Kennedy Chicago, 1987 Scott Fetzer Company The World Book Encyclopedia Chicago, London, Sydney Toronto, 1992 John Fitzgerald Kennedy Essay -- essays research papers fc John Fitzgerald Kennedy John F. Kennedy ( JFK ) was known throughout the world for his heroic deeds. He has helped many Americans many different ways from saving a mans life and keeping him from drowning, to helping African Americans. He had come from a very political family, and knowing that he felt that he had to carry on the tradition of that after his brother Joe had past away. John Fitzgerald Kennedy was born in Brookline, Massachusetts on May 29, 1917, the second oldest in a family of nine children. Although their families had not come to the United States with much money, both of John Kennedy's grandfathers became political leaders in Boston. One of them, John Fitzgerald (for whom he was named), was elected mayor in 1905. John Kennedy's father, Joseph Patrick Kennedy became a very wealthy businessman, an adviser to President Franklin D. Roosevelt, and the United States Ambassador to Great Britain from 1938 to 1940. John Kennedy (his family called him "Jack") moved to New York when he was ten years old. Since the family spent the summer months at their home in Hyannis, Cape Cod, Jack still lived a good part of his life in Massachusetts. As a boy and a young man, he traveled to other parts of the United States and to other countries. After graduating from the Choate School in Connecticut in 1935, he went on to Harvard College and graduated in 1940. That same year he wrote a best-selling book, Why England Slept, about some of the decisions which led to World War II. Kennedy described himself as â€Å" an idealist without illusion â€Å". He considered his best quality to be curiosity, and he worst irritability. Kennedy’s charm, grace, and wit were to a great extent responsible for his immense popularity as president. He remained a bit detached from things in order to counter his extremely sensitive side, for the most part he controlled his temper. Kennedy met his future wife at a dinner party in Washington, D.C. Jacqueline Lee Bouvier was the daughter of a wealthy Wall Street broker, John V. Bouvier III. She had attended Vassar College and the Sorbonne in Paris. When she met Kennedy, she was a student at George Washington University in Washington. Later, she worked as an... ...uals, like the African Americans. He treated people equally, no matter who they were or what color there skin was. As the years have gone by and other Presidents have written their chapters in history, John Kennedy's brief time in office stands out in people's memories--for his leadership, personality, and accomplishments. Many respect his coolness when faced with difficult decisions--like what to do about the missiles in Cuba. Others admire his ability to inspire people with his eloquent speeches. Still others think his compassion and his willingness to fight for new government programs to help the poor, the elderly and the ill were most important. Like all leaders, John Kennedy made mistakes, but he was always optimistic about the future. He believed that people could solve their common problems if they put their country's interests first and worked together. Bibliography Michael D. Cole John Kennedy President of New Frontier Springfield, 1996 Andrew Langley John F. Kennedy New York, 1985 Zachary Kent Encyclopedia of Presidents John F. Kennedy Chicago, 1987 Scott Fetzer Company The World Book Encyclopedia Chicago, London, Sydney Toronto, 1992
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Case Analysis Texas V. Johnson
SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES ________________________________________ 491 U. S. 397 Texas v. Johnson CERTIORARI TO THE COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS OF TEXAS ________________________________________ No. 88-155 Argued: March 21, 1989  Decided: June 21, 1989 This case analysis of Texas v. Gregory Lee Johnson was a Supreme Court case that overthrew bans on damaging the American flag in 48 of the 50 states. Gregory Lee Johnson participated in a political demonstration during the 1984 Republican National Convention in Dallas, Texas, where he burned the American flag.Consequently, Johnson was charged with violating the Texas law that bans vandalizing valued objects. However, Johnson appealed his conviction, and his case eventually went to the Supreme Court. Facts And Procedural History In 1984, the Republican Party convened in Dallas, Texas for their national convention. President Ronald Regan, seeking a second term in office, was to be officially delegated as the GOP (Grand Old Party) candidate for President. Scores of individuals organized a political protest in Dallas, which voiced opposition to Reagan administration policies, and those of some Dallas-based corporations.Among these protesters was a man by the name of Gregory Lee Johnson, who participated in a political demonstration, called the â€Å"Republican War Chest Tour. †As the demonstrators marched through the streets, chanting their message, a fellow protestor handed Johnson an American flag that had been taken from a flag pole at one of their protest locations. Upon reaching the Dallas City Hall, Johnson doused the flag with kerosene and set it on fire. In addition, Johnson and his fellow demonstrators circled the burning flag and shouted â€Å"America, the red, white, and blue, we spit on you. No one was hurt or threatened with injury by the act, but many who witnessed it were deeply offended. Therefore, Johnson was arrested, charged and convicted under Texas â€Å"desecration of a v enerated object†statue, sentenced to one year prison, and fined $2000. Moreover, Texas was not the only state to have anti-flag burning laws on the books, 47 other states also criminalized flag desecration (Joel, 2011. ) Principles to the case A principle to the case is mens rea accompanying â€Å"Symbolic expression â€Å"which is a phrase often used to describe expression that is mixed with elements of conduct (Cline, 2011. The issues argued were the 1st Amendment, and protest demonstrations. The Supreme Court has made clear in a series of cases that symbolic expression (or expressive conduct) may be protected by the First Amendment (Cline, 2011. ) However, of the approximately 100 demonstrators, Johnson alone was charged with a crime. Johnson appealed his conviction and his case eventually went to the Supreme Court. The principle to the case is burning a U. S. flag in protest was expressive conduct protected by the First Amendment.In determining the case, the court first considered the question of whether the First Amendment reached non-speech acts, since Johnson was convicted of flag desecration rather than verbal communication, and, if so, whether Johnson's burning of the flag constituted expressive conduct, which would permit him to invoke the First Amendment in challenging his conviction. The First Amendment literally forbids the abridgment only of ‘speech,’ but has long recognized that its protection does not end at the spoken or written word.If there is a bedrock principle underlying the First Amendment, it is that the government may not prohibit the expression of an idea; simply because society finds the idea itself offensive or disagreeable (Find Law, 2011. ) In addition, Johnson argued that the Texas flag desecration statute violated the First Amendment, which says â€Å"Congress shall make no law †¦ abridging the freedom of speech †¦ or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government f or a redress of grievances. †Consequently, the state of Texas argued that it had an interest in preserving the flag as a symbol of national unity.Analysis Of The Court Findings I agree to some extent with the ruling, since it claims that its interest in preventing breaches of the peace justifies Johnson's conviction for flag desecration. However, no disturbance of the peace actually occurred, or threatened to occur because of Johnson's burning of the flag. Johnson deliberately chose to burn the American flag in order to demonstrate his deep distress over the nation’s policies. His gesture was an attempt to cry out to the government for a redress of grievances, and not to commit an act of juvenile vandalism.The 1st and 14th amendments protect Johnson’s symbolic protest. Also, the only evidence offered by the state at trial to show the reaction to Johnson's actions was the testimony of several persons who had been seriously offended by the flag burning. This case sparked years of debate over the meaning of the flag, including efforts to amend the Constitution to allow for a prohibition of the â€Å"physical desecration†of the flag. The only evidence offered by the State at trial to show the reaction to Johnson's actions was the testimony of several persons who had been seriously offended by the flag burning.They rejected the claim that the ban was necessary to protect breaches of the peace due to the offense that burning a flag would cause. Burning a U. S. flag in protest was expressive conduct protected by the First Amendment. â€Å"The First Amendment literally forbids the abridgment only of ‘speech,’ but we have long recognized that its protection does not end at the spoken or written word†¦. If there is a bedrock principle underlying the First Amendment, it is that the government may not prohibit the expression of an idea simply because society finds the idea itself offensive or disagreeable. (Find Law, 2011. ) Another fact I find interesting is that Johnson was prosecuted because he knew that his politically charged expression would cause a â€Å"serious offense. †If he had burned the flag as a means of disposing of it because it was dirty or torn, he would not have been convicted of flag desecration under this Texas law; however, federal law designates burning as the preferred means of disposing of a flag â€Å"when it is in such condition that it is no longer a fitting emblem for display,†36 U. S. C.  § 176(k), and Texas has no quarrel with this means of disposal (ACLU, 2011. Johnson was convicted for engaging in expressive conduct. The State's interest in preventing breaches of the peace does not support his conviction, because Johnson's conduct did not threaten to disturb the peace; nor does the State's interest in preserving the flag as a symbol of nationhood and national unity justify his criminal conviction for engaging in political expression. Therefore, the jud gment of the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals was affirmed. Conclusion To put it briefly, grunts and howls do not inspire laws banning them; owever, a person who grunts in public is looked at as being strange, but laws do not punish them for grunting instead of communicating in whole sentences. If people are irritated by desecration of the American flag, it is because of what they believe is being communicated by such acts. Thus, amending the Constitution to permit bans on flag burning is not just a solution in search of a problem. Instead, I believe it is also a â€Å"solution†which will likely serve to create the problem it is trying to solve in the first place. References ACLU (2011. Burn the Flag or Burn the Constitution? Retrieved September 1, 2011 from http://www. aclu. org/blog/tag/flag-burning. Cline, A. (2011) Can Flag Burning Send a Political Message Be Made a Crime? Retrieved September11,2011fromhttp://atheism. about. com/od/flagburningcourtcases/a/TexasJohnson. ht ml. Find Law (2011. ) Cases and Codes. Retrieved September 1, 2011 from http://caselaw. findlaw. com/wa-supreme-court/1102265. html. Joel, S. (2011. ) Texas v. Johnson. Retrieved September 1, 2011 from book Criminal Law, tenth Edition, Page47.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Martin Luther King and Malcolm X
Savannah Major February 23, 2013 Hon. English/ H. 3 Philosophies of Martin Luther King and Malcolm X The late 1950s to mid-1960s was a time when violence and injustice had reached its peak. Many people were treated unfairly and the mood of the country overall was very gloomy and unhappy. Martin Luther King and Malcolm X were both very well-known activists who fought to make things equal and right. 80th activists shared similar beliefs against the racial Injustice brought against African Americans by whites although their methods of achieving that equality were completely different.MLK, for Instance, believed In approaching things in a peaceful, nonviolent fashion. However, most African Americans felt that his â€Å"peaceful approach†wasn't enough to reach his. as well as their, goals and turned to Malcolm X, who believed that arming up against whites was a necessity in order to protect yourself. In other words, fight violence with violence. In the speech, â€Å"Stride Toward Freedom,†MLK discusses the three different ways of dealing with oppression; acquiescence, resorting to violence, and the use of nonviolent resistance.Only supporting one of the three, nonviolence, King strongly isagrees with both acquiescence and using violence as a way of making peace. Acquiescence, when the oppressed resign to their oppression and just deal with it. giving up on it all together. MLK believes that is not the way out, claiming that by resigning â€Å"the oppressed become as evil as the oppressor. †(King 301) The second form of oppression, resorting to physical violence, completely goes against his views.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Canadas Efforts in Yugoslavia †History (200 Level Course)
Canadas Efforts in Yugoslavia – History (200 Level Course) Free Online Research Papers In the 1970’s and 1980’s, Yugoslavia did not seem like the communist countries found elsewhere in Eastern Europe. This appearance was misleading. In reality, Yugoslavia was a police state where people could be imprisoned for their beliefs. The communist party was the only one allowed as all other political parties were banned. Yugoslavia seemed to be achieving economically because of the money the Yugoslavian government was able to borrow. The people of Yugoslavia were divided. Serbs, Croats, Slovenes, Muslims, Montenegrins, Albanians, and Macedonians, all who made up the population of Yugoslavia were suspicious and resentful of one another. Feelings of hatred began to escalate during the late 1980’s that suddenly exploded into violence in 1991. Almost instantly the world’s view of Yugoslavia changed. From being a peaceful and stable country, Yugoslavia was suddenly altered into a land of murder and refugees. On May 25 1993, â€Å"resolution 827†was adopted, which set forth NATO’s Tribunal’s mandate to prosecute individuals responsible for serious violations of international humanitarian law committed on the territory of the former Yugoslavia. In Bosnia hostilities were put on hold with a cease- fire among the three warring factions in October 1995. In December 1995 parties to the Bosnia conflict, including Croatia and Serbia, signed the Dayton Agreement. This rejects the current widespread argument that Yugoslavia fell apart because of domestic struggles and militant activities, but more to the impact the Western powers had on Yugoslavia. Countries like the United States and Germany offered support to their favored ethnic groups to help them advance their own national policy agendas. Many attempts to help keep peace in Yugoslavia have been put forth. Through all the killing and destruction caused by the wars, Canada is still one of the only countries helping to correct this disaster. Perhaps slower out of the gate, Canada has spent billions towards this cause, Canada has sent thousands of troops to keep peace, and Canada has also put forth an effort worth boasting about. When this problem became apparent to the rest of the world, few countries stepped in to help stop it. After countries like Britain, France, United States, and Germany started to land in Bosnia and Croatia, Canada was still undecided whether to help or not in this peacekeeping mission. Being the 30th and last of the countries that agreed to go help, Canada joined and was part of the peacekeeping project. The federal cabinet gave its final approval to the deployment of Canadian soldiers just two days after a debate on the issue in the House of Commons. An exercise that opposition parties labeled as a sham, arguing that the government had already made up its mind on what it was going to do. The Defense Minister was David Collenette at the time. Mr. Collenette made his views clear at the debate saying, â€Å"It is fine for us Canadians to pound on our chests and yell from the hill tops about world peace. But unless we’re prepared to do something about it, to commit our own resources, to commit our own people, then I think our words ring hallow.†Although these words were very persuasive some still believed that Canada should not join. Alliance pressures being what they were, Canada felt that they had to join and be involved. When it came time to vote, Canada pulled together enough votes to officially make Canada involved in the peacekeeping mission led by NATO. Other allies involved in this were France, Britain, The United States, Germany, and even non-NATO nations like Bangladesh. In the UN headquarters in New York, UN members were questioning whether Canada was pulling its own weight. Canada had slipped to 25th in terms of the number of troops, police and observers it sends to do UN peacekeeping. As the Balkan experience was showing, Canada was putting forth more and taking greater action for peace, Canadians realize that it does not come cheap. Now that Canadians were finally showing how much it can do to fight for peace, they were realizing that money might slow them down. The department of national defense revealed that Canada spent $4.9 billion on peacekeeping in the former Yugoslavia in the past ten years. That total includes $1.4 billion in incremental costs. Money that would have been saved if the troops had stayed home. Heavy spending in the Balkans is a subject for heated behind-closed-doors debate in Canada’s foreign policy community. In 2000-2001 Canada expected to spend $222 million on peacekeeping, and just $47 million on other â€Å"aid†programs on the rest of the world. Helping out third world countries hit by famine, floods, and other disasters like earthquakes. The latest figures available state that in 1999-2000 the Canadian government spent $385 million helping certain regions hit by floods, earthquakes, and famine. Canada has spent $340 million on Yugoslavia, almost spending as much as it did on the rest of the world with aid money. Along with all the money spent Canada has also sent many soldiers. Canada agreed to send 1, 000 troops to start. Britain sent 14, 000 troops, France sent 10, 000, and Germany sent 4, 000 troops. The Canadian troops were split up into different areas. 500 Canadians were to be responsible for running one of three headquarters in the British sector, along with 400 infantrymen and 100 communications and logistics troops. With the infantry to be used for defensive purposes, Canadians were expected to patrol potentially dangerous zones dividing Bosnia, Croats, and Serbs. In Bosnia alone, 10 Canadians have died, more than 100 others wounded and many others suffering from psychological stress. As the war continued more troops were sent. After two years of war approximately 100, 000 people in total have died. Canadian troops still remain in Bosnia therefore, adding to the already high cost of this peacekeeping mission. Bringing an end to this essay on Canada’s involvement in the former Yugoslavia we can conclude that Canada was not all talk about bringing this world to peace but showed action as well. At the beginning of this situation authorities were questioning if Canada could hold their own in this peacekeeping battle. In the end Canada showed that they were serious about ending this problem by spending billions towards it, sending thousands of troops to fight against it, as this was an effort definitely worth boasting about for Canada. Even though Canada had put this much effort into stopping this war, it still goes on today. Canadian Defense says that approximately 1, 650 troops are still in Bosnia because this Balkan armed conflict is far from over. Beyond stopping the fighting between Bosnia’s Serbs, Croats, and Muslims, the mission was intended to reverse the ethnic cleansing that had forced minorities to flee their homes under threat of death. Refugee officials are hop eful that returns will pick up this year, but say that whoever has not yet returned home in two years time will probably never do so. Frustrated in their desire to secede and join their mother countries, the hard-line Serbs and Croats who hold power in their regions â€Å"say ‘no’ to anything that looks like Bosnia.†Even though it seems very slim for a possibility for this war to end in peace right now, the NATO led group has not given up on looking for ways to end this battle calmly and pleasant so that these ethnic groups can live in peace. Research Papers on Canada's Efforts in Yugoslavia - History (200 Level Course)Quebec and CanadaAppeasement Policy Towards the Outbreak of World War 2Assess the importance of Nationalism 1815-1850 EuropeThe Effects of Illegal ImmigrationCapital PunishmentPersonal Experience with Teen PregnancyUnreasonable Searches and SeizuresDefinition of Export QuotasEffects of Television Violence on Children19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided Era
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
How Homeschooled Students Should Prep for the SAT
How Homeschooled Students Should Prep for the SAT SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips According to a recent report by the U.S. Department of Education, about 1.7 million students are homeschooled. If you're part of this 3.4% of the population and are planning to apply to a 4-year college, then you'll probably be taking the SAT (or ACT). This guide will go over the best preparation strategies for succeeding on the SAT, while keeping in mind theunique strengths you bring to the tableas a homeschooled student. Before delving intospecifics of the SAT, let's consider the advantages that your homeschooled education has afforded you. Reflect On Your Strengths Homeschooled students don't always take as many timedor standardized tests as those in traditional schools. If you're concerned that homeschooling puts you at a disadvantage for doing well on the SAT, pause and reflect on some of homeschooling'spositive aspects. You likely have a more individualized curriculum and have been encouraged to pursue your individual interests. Perhaps you've had the freedom to reallyreflect on your strengths and weaknesses, where you excel and where you need to grow as a learner. This kind of self-awareness is hugely helpful for homeschool SAT prep, as you can target your weak areas, customize your study plan, and focus your energies where you can make the most progress. If you feel you've had less practice with standardized tests like the SAT, consider the kind of learning you have had and how it caninform your approach to test prep. Self-Awareness and SAT Prep Having a sense of your strengths and weaknesses can be a huge aidfor designing your SAT study plan. Do you speed through geometry problems, but get tripped up by probability? Do you absorb vocabulary like a sponge, but feel like it's impossible to write a whole 5-paragraph essay in only 25 minutes? Try to get a realistic sense of where you have cultivated skills and developed strong content knowledge. Rather than delving into everything at once, you can set small, manageable goals for yourself and make progress towards them with steadiness and purpose. To address the above examples, you could gather official SAT sample questions about probability and thoroughly studythe problems and answer explanations. You could read strategies about how to time your essay writing and come into the SAT prepared with versatile examples that work for many different essay questions. The best way to achieve your target scores on the SAT is to identify the areas that most need improvement and focus your test prep there. How (and where) do you learn best? Customization and Self-Teaching Does your homeschooled education allow you to be relatively self-directed in your learning? If your educators agree with Lee Binz,founderof The HomeScholar, then their "long-term plan is to make learners who can absorb material by themselves." If you have received this kind of "self-teaching curriculum," then you've had the opportunity to develop your independence, perhaps more so than have students in traditional school settings. Students who are most successful on the SAT don't study every concept all at once or mimic someone else's study and test-taking schedule. Instead, they customize their test prep for their own unique learning styles and needs. They take control of their test prep by setting aside time each week to focus on the material and benefit from being a self-directed learner on their homeschool SAT scores. Besides having the independence to shape your study plan and follow through with it, you may also have some input into shaping your curriculum and homework assignments and projects. If this is the case, it would be helpful to ask if you can integrate SAT prep into your classes and therebyconnectyour math, reading, and writing to SAT practice questions. Tilt YourCurriculum If you're encouraged to explore and articulate your interests and goals, as Binz described above, then your educators may be open to your suggestions. Gaining admission to a 4-year college is a notable goal, and gaining strong SAT scores are an important part ofachieving this goal. If this is your motivation, find out if you can integrate SAT prep into your curriculum. Perhaps you could add SAT math questions to your math studies, or practice writing timed persuasive essays. In addition to whatever other books you're reading, perhaps you can incorporate Critical Reading passages and questions. Practice answering objective multiple choice questions, which may or may not be a skill you're accustomed to in English class. Review SAT grammar rules and edit writing samples to practice for "improving sentence," "improving paragraph," and "identifying sentence error" SAT Writing questions. If you can integrate homeschool SAT prep into your studies, then you can link your classroom learning with the test and apply your understanding of math, reading, and writing to each section of the SAT. In order to do this successfully, you must have a thorough understanding of the content and skills that are tested on the SAT. Throwsome SAT prep in the mix. Understand the Content of the SAT Do you know how many questions are in each section of the SAT, and how much time you have to answer them? In order to effectively incorporate test prep into your curriculum or out-of-school studying, you should gain a deep understanding of what exactly is tested on the Math, Critical Reading, and Writing sections of the SAT. The following is a quick overview of the content in each section. Math tests number and operations, probability/statistics, algebra, and geometry. Most of the questions are multiple choice, but there are 10 grid-in questions that you will answer directly on the bubble sheet. Critical Reading asks you to read long, short, and paired passages and answer multiple choice comprehension questions. These often ask about the general purpose of the passage, along with tools of literary analysis like tone, style, inference, and interpretation of various details. These questions also often ask you about vocabulary in context, while the current SAT has stand-alone vocabulary fill-in questions as well. The new SAT in 2016 will continue to ask about vocabulary, but is eliminating these stand-alone questions in favor of providing more context. Writing starts out the SAT with the 25-minute essay, in which you are asked to provide your opinion and support it with examples from reading, observation, current events, or any other area. Additionally, you will answer multiple choice questions and use your understanding of grammar rules to identify sentence errors and improve sentences and paragraphs. Even if you are unused to timed standardized tests, all of these skills are basic math, reading, and writing skills that you practice inyour general education. Again, if you have some input into shaping your curriculum and homework assignments, then you can try to incorporate SAT practice and essay questions and reinforce your learning on the context of the SAT's tricky questions and strict timing. Outside of your classroom learning, you will need to make time devoted specifically to prepping for the SAT. Make Time for Test Prep Before you take your test, I would recommend spending at least ten hours really getting to know the content, format, and instructions of the test so you know exactly what to expect on test day. A study plan involving about 40 hoursmight get you ready to take the test for the first time, but a regimen of around100 hours of targeted practice would be more effective for improving your scores. While the amount of time you need to put in to boost your scores varies for each students, these are rough estimates of how many hours you should prep to raise your overall scores. SAT Composite Point Improvement 0-50 points - 10 hours 50-100points- 20 hours 100-200 points - 40 hours 200-300 points - 80 hours 300-500 points - 150 hours+ If you start early and spread your study plan out over months or even a year or more, then you can gradually improve and these hours won't seem like such a daunting task. You could spend about 2 to 3 hours a week starting 6 months before your test, and then increase your study time as the test date approaches. Of course you also don't want to put in more time than you need to, when you could be focusing on other areas of school, life, and preparing for college. So how can you maximize the effectiveness of your study time? One important part of test prep is simulating testing conditions to train your time management. Time flies when you're taking the SAT. Practice Timing Yourself The SAT is a strictly timed test, and once you've finished a section you can't revisit it or revise any answers. I would say these strict time limits are perhaps the biggest source of stress for students, especially those who like to process information at a more relaxed pace. Luckily, you can use strategies to improve your efficiency, as well as time yourself while you study and take practice tests to get better and better at working fast and well. I would recommend starting with a diagnostic practice test and simulating testing conditions. Sit in a quiet room with fewdistractions and time each section. Yourinitial score will just be a baseline. After studying and targeting your weaknesses, take another timed practice test and note your progress. Even if finishing in time is something you struggle with, practicing this skill at home will help you pace yourself on the SAT and manage your time effectively. You should also learn about and experiment with different strategies, like speed reading and using process of elimination to answer multiple choice questions. Get Strategic On Each Section While an understanding of certain math concepts and skills in reading and writing are important for doing well on the SAT, so is simply learning the tricks of the test and developing your ability to work quickly. For example, you don't have time to leisurely read the Critical Reading passages and take notes on what you find interesting. Instead, you should practice habits of skimming for important introductory points, transitions, and details related to the corresponding questions. While the essay might seem like a hard part of the SAT, you can basically use a tried-and-true 5 paragraph formula and show up prepared with dynamic examples that will work for most questions. Strategies for how to tackle each section, answer questions, and even fill in the bubble sheet (answering in chunks in your booklet and then transfering all at once can help save time) arehugely helpful in combination with your content knowledge for conquering the SAT. By trying out strategies, reviewing concepts and vocabulary, and sticking to your study schedule, you will see improvements in your SAT scores. Besides the strengths many homeschooled students bring as self-directed, independent learners, do they have any extra responsibilities when it comes to taking the SAT? Homeschooled Students and the SAT As a homeschooled student, you might not have as large a community of college-bound peersand guidance counselors as those in traditional school settings. Depending on your situation, you may have to shoulder more responsibility for designing and sticking to your homeschool SATprep schedule, keeping track of your academic progress and application materials, and meeting your college deadlines. If this sounds like, what can you do to stay on top of things? Be Proactive About Your Schedule This is easier said than done for a lot of students, but try to make the most of your time and establish routines for yourself, just as you would when learning how to playguitaror practicing soccer. Use a planner with hourly (or half-hourly) time increments or an online tool like Google Calendar. Set aside time to work towards your goals, like achieving your target SAT scores, and fulfill your college aspirations. If you're someone who's motivated by an approaching deadline or test date, then design your schedule to reflect that (while still leaving enough time to learn). If you prefer to spread out studying or practice and reap the benefits slowly over time, then honor that approach. These skills of actively taking control of your time will help you stay organized and achieve your goals in high school, college, and beyond. Do Your Research Part of your SAT prep plan is knowing what your target scores are, and part of determining that (apart from your own personal goals) are knowing your colleges' expectations. What are the average SAT scores for last year's accepted students? How much are SAT scores emphasized in the admission process? Does the school have a test flexible policy? When are your deadlines? Planning for college starts early. Check out websites, visit campuses, speak to admissions officers, and gain a clear sense of your colleges' expectations and requirements. Then figure out how to tell your story and stand out from the competition. Since you probably don't have a guidance counselor keeping you up to date on the SAT and prep courses, you need to seek out helpful homeschool SAT test prep resources. PrepScholar's online test program is one way to prepare, along with official practice tests, books, and SAT Question of the Day. Khan Academy is another good online resource, especially because it has recently offered sample questions for the upcoming redesigned SAT. Besides online and book resources, you can also make an appointment with a counselor at your local high school and seek his/her advice on SAT prep and college planning. Through it all, work onstaying organized to keep track of requirements, deadlines, and all the online passwords you're sure to collect. Stay Organized The best way to plan your schedule and keep track of your college planning is to create a system of organization that works for you. Write everything down, whether on paper or virtually, and stay on top of deadlines and test dates. If you start early with SAT prep, you can take the test several times and prep between each real test to improve your scores. If your homeschooled education helped you develop independence in your organization, learning, and time management, then use these skills to your advantage in the SAT and college planning process. Start early, study the test, and put in the time and effort to achieve your target SAT scores and gain admission into your college of choice. What's Next? Using official practice questions from the testmakers and taking timed practice tests are an essential part of your study regimen. Download official SAT practice tests and score them to diagnose your level and gauge your progress toward hitting your target scores. When exactly should you register to take the SAT? Are some test dates preferable to others? How many times should you take it, anyway? Learn how to choose your test dates and shape your study plan accordingly. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points? Check out our best-in-class online SAT prep program. We guarantee your money back if you don't improve your SAT score by 160 points or more. Our program is entirely online, and it customizes your prep program to your strengths and weaknesses. We also feature thousands of practice questions, 10 official SAT practice tests, and personal feedback on your essays from an expert instructor. We work with a lot of homeschooled students who like the self-paced, self-guided nature of our online prep program. Check out our 5-day free trial:
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Introduction to art theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Introduction to art theory - Essay Example The lack of realism, knowledge of perspective in art and understanding of the human figure were lost with the fall of Rome. But the historians at that time claim that medieval artist concerned simply trying to send a religious message. Byzantine art culture comes next, which is often referred as one of the finest art of Middle Ages in terms of quality of material and workmanship. The Gothic art, which appeared around 13th century (art and architecture) was unique. Gothic art merged with Renaissance art at different times in different places making internationally renowned. Renaissance art culture led to many changes in both technical aspects of painting and sculpture, as well as their subject matter. Renaissance enhanced realism in the work, such as three dimensional perspectives in more authenticated manner. Tone contrast of Titan’s portrait and sfumato and chiaroscuro by Leonardo da Vinci are notable. Art has gone through evolution as the centuries passed. The idea of renaissance emerged to sculptor Donatello who classical techniques included David as a free-standing bronze nude created in Europe since the Roman Empire. Following him, High Renaissance artists like Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo Buonarroti and Raffaello Santi emerged. They exhibited astounding mastery both technical and aesthetic. As the time passed many artists were repulsed by the ornate grandeur of the artistic styles and sought to revert to earlier which created intellectual movement known as Enlightenment or Neoclassicism culture. Eugene Delacroix, Francisco Goya attempted centrist approaches of Neoclassicist and Romanticist styles. The middle of 19th century marked the industrial revolution across Europe. The European art as well became radically altered by industrialization. 1860s artistic styles were more of Neoclassicist and romanticist type. In the latter year’s poverty, squalor, and desperation were the theme of the art. The fate of the working class has
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